

Bill 2002

Year Name of the original bill Date of signature by the Honorable Governor Date of signature by Ho'ble Governor View/Download

The Uttar Pradesh Legislature (Emoluments And Pension of Members)(Second Uttaranchal Amendment) Bill, 2002


The Uttaranchal Appropriation(Supplementary 2002&2003)  Bill, 200221.12.2002PDF

Uttaranchal Panchayat  Bill, 2002 21.12.2002PDF

Uttaranchal (The United Provinces Shri Badrinath Temple Act,1939)(Amendment) Bill, 2002


Uttaranchal (The U.P. Excise Act, 1910) (Amendment) Bill, 2002 21.12.2002PDF

Uttaranchal Medical Council Bill, 2002 21.12.2002PDF

Indian Stamp (Uttaranchal Amendment) Bill, 200221.12.2002PDF

The Uttaranchal (U.P. Municipal Council, Act 1959)(Amendment) Bill, 200221.12.2002PDF

The Uttaranchal (U.P. Municipalities Act, 1916)(Amendment) Bill, 200221.12.2002PDF
2002Indian Forest (Uttaranchal Amendment) Bill,200117.07.2002PDF

The Uttaranchal Ministies Commission Bill, 200216.06.2002PDF

The Uttarancha Three Tier Panchayati Raj Amendment Bill,  200216.06.2002PDF

The U.P. Panchayati Raj Act, 1947 (Uttarancha Amendment) Bill, 200216.06.2002PDF

The Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya (Fist Amendment)Bill. 200216.06.2002PDF

The Uttranchal Appropriation Bill, 2002 16.06.2002PDF

The Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Bill. 200211.04.2002PDF

The Uttar Pradesh Krishi Utpadan Mandi Samitis (Alpkalik Vyavastha)(Uttaranchal Amendment) Bill, 2002


The Uttranchal Appropriation (Voct On Acc.) Bill, 2002 21.03.2002PDF

The Uttaranchal Appropriation (Supplementary 2001&2002)  Bill, 200221.03.2002PDF